Safkhet Publishing ~ Summer Reads

Thursday 28 February 2013

Escape To Love by Emma Calin ~ Review.

Escape To LoveEscape To Love by Emma Calin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Escape To Love Described as an urban suspense-novelette, Escape to Love is just that. And it delivers. The ‘hero’ is this book is an escaped prisoner on the run. Can such a person truly be a hero? Does the ultimate act of heroism in a mother’s eyes make him a hero? Maybe not immediately, a mother’s instincts are always to protect her child, so would she/could she let such a man into her life and into her heart? Women’s instincts play a part, too, in this gripping story of love and trust. Maria, in a way, is also on the run, living a hand-to-mouth existence on a low income. Trying to escape poverty and violent past relationship, her priority in life now is her special needs child. I was intrigued by the dilemma this book presented. I wondered whether the author could pull it off. The story is in the telling. I won’t spoil it by telling more. Suffice to say I was sold and would definitely recommend it. I liked the juxtaposition between the working class heroine and the well-to-do hero, which presented love with more of a challenge. Why not get a flavour of the book and take a 'look inside’ on Amazon? I certainly wasn’t disappointed. Full marks, too, to Emma Calin for making this available as an Audio book, giving the reader an alternative reading pleasure – and, of course, catering for those with sight impairment. For interest, my adult son and partner also read and enjoyed this book.

View all my reviews


Patricia said...

I'm catching up on blogs rather late today. I've been intrigued by the theme of this book since I first read a blurb about it. After reading several great reviews i"m looking forward to finally having time to read Escape To Love!

Nicky Wells said...

Fabulous review, congrats to Emma and thanks to Sheryl for sharing. XX